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Название: British Sherman Tanks.
Издательство: Concord.
Серия: Armor at War №7062.
Язык: Английский.
Формат: jpg (разрешение 300 dpi) HQ в Rar архиве.
Автор: Dennis Oliver
Год: 2006
Страниц: 74

Arguably the most important tank of World War 2 - if only in terms of numbers produced - the American Medium M4 had by 1944 become the mainstay of the British Army's armored force.
In response to the defeat suffered by the British and Commonwealth forces at Tobruk in June 1942 President Roosevelt at once promised whatever help the United States might be able to give. The President himself suggested that the US Army's 2nd Armored Division be sent forthwith to North Africa. However, the impracticability of this plan became almost immediately apparent and the decision was made instead to strip an American armored division of its tanks and send them to 8th Army.
Despite the difficulties of moving this amount of hardware, and the loss of one of the freighters with all hands to a German U-Boat, some 252 Shermans were on hand by the start of Operation Lightfoot - the Second Battle of El Alamein - in October 1942. In line with their practice of naming tanks it was in fact the British, at the suggestion of Winston Churchill, who gave the tank the name by which it would become universally known - Sherman. The prefix General was thought to be unnecessary.
By the war's end the Sherman had served as medium tank, recovery vehicle and in a host of specialist roles. The basic designs had undergone innumerable minor modifications and the final production figures would exceed 40,000, the various models being built by 11 major manufacturers. This figure does not include the self-propelled artillery pieces or tank-destroyers which utilized the Sherman chassis.
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